
Friday, 4 October 2013


                         Your safety is our concern

Address :
                            SAFE AND CARE SOLUTIONS,
                            No:3/21,  AZAD STREET,

                             ARNI- 632 301, TAMILNADU.


Contact : 
                            D.Parimal Raj , 
                            Cell: 09444265904 (Tamil nadu),

                            Cell:09995979669 (Kerala)

E-mail :      

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Burglar alarm

                                        Prevention of theft is better than loss

                                        The public is always advice by the Government and police to secure themselves with the latest security technologies .Some people avoid the latest technologies and go behind some cheep product in the market to be install in their offices, banks and their homes, later when a burglary happens they immediately blame the camera to be defunct, using mobile jammer and breaking and removing the hard disk, Some people, Even say that the camera was covered, which in fact is a reality and can't be denied, does all these means that the burglars have, how smart the public? the only way to curtail this situation is by installing a highly security system, which can trap the burglar. There are also some people, who are fooled by some highly sophisticated systems, but fail to operate in the hour of need. What is required here is a system, which can withstand any methods or ways of theft. Finally we have design a security alarm, which is being sold like hotcakes in Kerala and Tamilnadu. We assure you that, our product is affordable. We humbly request all our readers to enjoy and benefit through our security systems.


Wednesday, 28 August 2013


                      Our company was established 45 years back,When we were dealing in higher wattage stabilizers.Further on we dealt in Audio & Video transmitter and receiver service field.As we are well aware of the increase of crimes,Our company known as SAFE AND CARE SOLUTIONS, we designed an alarm system for the production and safety of the public.Our motive is secure the hot earned money,Through our camera and all other surveillance product.In this present era,We are using imported surveillance product from china,Which can be easily defunction through mobile jammer,to avoid such mishap,our company has designed very systematic alarm system for tight security,for an example If a burglar opens the door or window the alarm will set off immediately.Some times if the burglar breaks through a wall,alarm will set off.If there is a power failure,this alarm will still function upto one week.We have excellent feedback from our customers.  

Friday, 28 June 2013

CCTV Installation, Surveillance camera & Product, Local CCTV Installation,Theft alarm, Door alarm, Fire alarm, Camera installation, DVR Installation, DVR remote function,CCTV Cable.

 This burglar alarm is support with 2 motion sensor and 20 magnetic door/shutter sensor.  

                                                                      Defunct Free

 Installation CCTV camera and all type of surveillance product.

DVR Installation, DVR remote function,CCTV Cable.Fire Alaram

Address :
                            Safe and Care Solution,
                             No:3/21, Azad street,
                    D.Parimal Raj, 
                Cell: 9444265904 (Tamil nadu),

                Cell: 9995979669 (Kerala)

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